
Big news! U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Tom Daley and Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Culture Longuinhos dos Santos today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the field of higher education exchange.

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Notísia boot! Enkaregadu Negósiu EUA Tom Daley ho Ministru Edukasaun Ensino Superiór, Siénsia no Kultura Longuinhos dos Santos ohin asina Memorandu Entendimentu hodi haforsa kooperasaun bilateral iha área interkámbiu ensino superior.

“Nudar parte komprometidu hodi haburas parseria ida ne’e, ha’u mós orgullu tebes hodi anúnsia ohin loron katak Estadus Unidus sei fornese adisionál bolsa estudu hamutuk sia, inklui estudante Timoroan no bolseiru sira nebe hala’o edukasaun no peskiza iha Estadus Unidus,” tenik Enkaregadu Negósiu EUA Tom Daley. “Ami hakarak haforsa ita nia kooperasaun edukasaun iha ensinu superiór hodi tulun promove Timor-Leste nia Planu Dezenvolvimentu Estratéjiku Nasionál ba oin.”

Memorandu Entendimentu ida ne’e sei loke tan espasu ba estudante Timoroan sira hodi hala’o edukasaun iha Estadus Unidus liuhosi programa Fulbright, inklui programa Scholar-in-Residence Fulbright, ne’ebé fó dalan ba professor Timoroan sira hodi hanorin hamutuk iha kursu universidade ida iha Estadus Unidus.

Durante tinan 20 ikus, Estadus Unidus fó ona oportunidade ba Timoroan hamutuk 600 resin hodi hala’o edukasaun ensinu superior no oportunidade ba interkámbiu, inklui liuhosi Fulbright, bolsa estudu U.S. – Timor-Leste (USTL), YSEALI ka Inisiativa Líder Foin-sa’e Sudeste-Aziátiku, no seluk-seluk tan. #BelunParseriaOportunidade


Big news! U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Tom Daley and Minister of Higher Education, Science, and Culture Longuinhos dos Santos today signed a Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the field of higher education exchange.

“As part of our commitment to growing this partnership, I am also proud to announce today that the United States will provide an additional nine scholarships, including for Timorese students and scholars to pursue education and research in the United States,” said U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Tom Daley. “We look forward to strengthening our higher education cooperation to help advance Timor-Leste’s National Strategic Development Plan.”

This MoU will open more slots for Timorese students to pursue education in the United States through the Fulbright program, including the Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence program, which would enable a Timorese professor to co-teach a university course in the United States.

Over the last 20 years, the United States has enabled over 600 Timorese people to pursue higher education and exchange opportunities, including through Fulbright, the U.S.-Timor-Leste (USTL) scholarship, the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI), and others.



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